Announcement of 22. May 2019

Cyber Defense Awareness Training: staff are the best defence against online attacks

G DATA launches Cyber Defence Academy

87 percent of companies see untrained staff as the biggest vulnerability for cyber attacks (source: ESI ThoughtLab). G DATA is therefore launching the Cyber Defence Academy, a new e-learning portfolio for security awareness training. In more than 30 online courses, companies can train their employees in various IT security subjects and thus make them part of the cyber defence system - because using a security solution is just one component of a holistic security concept. The courses are available now.

Kai Figge

If you want to effectively protect your business from cyber attacks, you need to make your staff the first line of defense. Our Awareness Training courses combine more than 30 years of expert knowledge with current learning methods. They can be used to train staff and prove compliance with the minimum of effort.

Kai Figge

Founder and Human Resources Director of G DATA

Technical measures to provide protection against cyber attacks are just one component of an IT security strategy. Another factor is the staff in the company and their user behaviour. Just one person in a company opening an email attachment without thinking, for example, is all it takes to infect an entire network with a malicious program. This is where the Security Awareness Training courses come in.

Computer-based training courses

The G DATA Cyber Defense Awareness Training courses cover the entire spectrum of IT security topics. In more than 30 courses, the latest learning methods are used to impart knowledge, for example on how to deal with phishing emails or social engineering. Both videos and text are used. Repeating information and learning level checks at the end of each training course help to consolidate the facts. The increase in learning is measurable both for the staff and for HR and IT managers.

Work out where the shoe is pinching most

Before the training starts, IT and HR managers can conduct a knowledge test to determine where the most urgent training needs are among the workforce. This makes it clear which topics need to be addressed first. Staff can complete all the courses over a period of time.

One year after the introduction of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation has been in force for almost a year. According to a survey conducted by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag among data protection officers in the federal states of Germany, it has since led to fines of almost € 450,000. This shows that companies also need to be on the ball when it comes to compliance. Staff play a decisive role here. The G DATA Cyber Defense Academy will help to fulfil these requirements, in order to avoid expensive fines due to rule violations.



Announcement of 22. May 2019